Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How much social exhaust do you generate?

How much exhaust should you be generating in your social media interactions? Is it an inevitable part of building a Personal Learning Network or should you be looking at paring down some of the unnecessary banter in your online relationships. Watch this two-minute "walk and talk" I captured with the Socialcam app on my iPhone. It's not meant to be pretty, just to convey some quick thoughts and ask for feedback.

More bloggers who are pressed for time are opting turning to Socialcam as a short-form way of getting their thoughts out, rather than meticulously crafting a blog post. A master of the thinking person's walk and talk is Winnipeg teacher Darren Kuropatwa. Always thought-provoking, Darren has produced 80-plus short videos for his #whilewalking series - all while walking between his home and the bus stop.

Want to challenge your thinking? Check out Darren's insights and questions. I'm pretty sure you'll find some new ideas to love.

1 comment:

  1. Raman,

    I think the concept of social exhaust is an interesting and I haven't heard it called that before.

    I think that social exhaust has always been there but it just is moving from the offline to the online world to a greater network of people. Not sure if it's good or bad but maybe just a shift that is happening at a larger societal level.

    I think context also matters when sharing on social media. As a professional, our sharing and interactions tend to be quite focused around education. Some do mix professional and personal which is okay but does lead to extraneous noise.
    I find that people new to the online educational community are often overwhelmed by all the information. There is an urge to read all the Tweets and blogs in y This is probably where there is the strongest argument against social exhaust would be. But I think these interactions do make the ties that bind us stronger and that it is important to learn how to filter out all the noise around us.

